Speckles n Spectrum

back to basics seemingly-banal adventures of an eclectic modern muser...

"Learning from the Past, Hopes for the Future, and a Life's Journey of making the most of what's at hand."


A good day shouldn't be wasted in disappointments just because people are messing up with you. I've got the sunniest disposition that jives with the weather and there goes my pictures... just perfect!

Edgy outside, Mallows inside.

I'm a one-man team. I fly solo.

Watcha lookin' at?

Which foto is your fave?
This one for me is 💜

The sun and I vibe so very much! 
Rain puhleez don't get jealous. 😜

I 💜 the sun as much as I 💜 the rain because the sun makes me look good in my golden olive skin while the rain makes me feel good in every way it can thus both make a pretty woman 
inside and out of ME!

The sun🌞 makes me hot 
while the rain🌧 makes me cool!

Life is a little shitty but if you learned the art of BS you can make an art even a masterpiece out of that frakkin shit!

I am the captain of my ship you can't auto-pilot a bird that is old skool yet advanced in more ways than y'all know.

Color me blind. 
Ain't my colours vivid 
enough for you to see?

Y'all know that I'm fluent in sarcasm and for the benefit of those who always say that I should stop self-deprecating I oblige to explain further the title of this post. In layman's term it means that I'm good in peptalk, motivating and empowering myself even in the worst of situation. Are we all good now?

That's all folks. 
Hope y'all have a great day I did. 
Merci 🌬💜

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