Speckles n Spectrum

back to basics seemingly-banal adventures of an eclectic modern muser...

"Learning from the Past, Hopes for the Future, and a Life's Journey of making the most of what's at hand."


Roses aren't red even violets aren't blue.
They become a different colour 
depends on how I want them to.

In a good day they are 
shades of pinks and mauves.

When the seasons change 
or the moods kinda switch 
my roses turn into a cold winter snow.

Kinda waiting at the window for y'all
 to bloom and make me mellow.

Might be blurry but I guess 
that's how we always do.

I thought you can stay while 
I'm having  a cup of tea...

...but I suddenly remember 
there is nothing infinite
about anything we could ever be.

We wander and wonder...

... still there is nothing.

Well, nothing is perfect 
and WE are NOTHING...
so now, does it make us PERFECT?

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