Speckles n Spectrum

back to basics seemingly-banal adventures of an eclectic modern muser...

"Learning from the Past, Hopes for the Future, and a Life's Journey of making the most of what's at hand."


In this generation where we break cycles and free ourselves from orthodox mindsets. Raising kids might confuse a lot of couples just starting out a family. We got this rule: Out with the old, here comes the new. 

Let's raise the new gen with out-of-the-box, radical but individualistic ideas. Paved them a future where they can freely be themselves.

Name your kids without binds.

When I say "without binds" meaning don't give your baby a name that will cause hassle in the future.

✅ Gender Neutral Names

I know this will raise eyebrows but hear me out. You will never know what your baby might turn out when it comes to sexual orientation. Giving them really gender specific names would mean a disaster in the future. 

Here's an example: 

You named your baby boy...
🚹 Hercules

... turns out during adolescent age, your baby boy is...
🚺 Meghara 

He got bullied much because people expect he would be manly because of that masculine name. He will forever despise that name and will eventually adapt a name perfect for his gender preference.

If you want to avoid awkward moments during your kid's identity crises stage be clever in choosing their given names.

✅ Religion Neutral Names

This is really important. Never name your babies from biblical characters or really suggestive names from any religion. I know as parents we want the best for them and of course we want them worshipping the same God, Yahweh, Allah etc. but you can only try and expose them in the religion you want but eventually when they become adults obviously they will start criticizing things and decide what to believe in. What's the most awkward way to change religion if you got the name of another religion's Deity, right? 


🚹 Jesus baptized in Roman Catholic.
🚹 Jesus wanting to be a Muslim in his adult years.

Obviously Jesus would pray and do anything to change names, Allah perhaps? Jokes.

✅ Non-suggestive Names

Got a name you think perfect for your baby right? 

🚹 Obet

Did you know that in another region in the Philippines "OBET" means "ASS"?

Moral of the story before naming your baby, GOOGLE it. You might never know if your perfect baby's name is a freakin joke in another locality or country.

Yep that includes checking slangs and Urban dictionaries too. 

Trust me, you don't want to see a meme with your baby's picture making his or her name as a pun.

✅ Century Appropriate Names

I cannot emphasize this more. Spare your babies for a lifetime of name shaming butt jokes from their peers. 

❌ Procurpia
❌ Restituto

Any archaic names that sound old cuz they are really old. No offense but your babies will be shamed everytime having names meant for grannies unless you aren't aware how kids behave these days. Anything that sounds weird in a bad way, old, nonsense, annoying Idk but I'm just saying be careful with your baby names. If you love your kids give them a name that they will love in their lifetime.


Short and

Kiss it baby. Take it from me who's crying out loud for having such a long name. Dang the hassle writing your name over and over especially during kindergarten when you are just learning how to write your name. Geez. Believe me your babies will thank you later so Kiss. 💋

We procreate for a better world and what better way to start being good parents by paving your kids future beginning with a good name (literally, figuratively and metaphorically speaking).                                                      --- Stormy Krist

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