Speckles n Spectrum

back to basics seemingly-banal adventures of an eclectic modern muser...

"Learning from the Past, Hopes for the Future, and a Life's Journey of making the most of what's at hand."


Nine months you were in the womb
No idea what's outside waiting once full grown.
Finally they cut that umbilical cord
Freedom you might think is all that's worth?
Your cry echoes across the hall
Papa's taking a video capturing this precious view.
Mum's restless almost out of strength but a smile flustered in blushing cheeks nonetheless.
Tis a wonderful day to celebrate
an angel greet us "buenas diaz"
and totally it is.

Everyday became a miracle
It wasn't all fun but the journey...
twas worth all the sleepless nights and counting changes to make ends meet just to make you safe and sound.

You didn't choose us and vice versa
Fate did and it's not an issue.
We vow to say "I DOs" to the worst and the best and that includes loving you in your weakest and ugliest truths.

We fight and get caught in sickness and troublesome faults but we accept, improve and choose to settle in love rather than curses to divide our abode.
We stand united, bending not breaking.
Nurturing instead of destructing.
Celebrating no matter how small our victories.
The important thing is we grow and progress no matter how slow.
Trust in the process, we learn in failures not in perfection.
Open up and voice out your opinions without the fear of judgement or rejection.
Cry if you may but stand tall and fight even when you feel lost in dismay.
We learn to disagree without fueling negativity.
You got us, we are your safe haven.
Feel at home cuz HOME is what we built you and not just a house.
You are protected inside this four pillars of LOVE, RESPECT, AUTHENTICITY and GRACE.

We'll let you go when it's time to say goodbye.
Hoping that with your new found life you'll have freedom to become who you really are.
We send you off with all our love and don't you ever forget the learnings and values we have showered upon you, love.
Visit or say hi when you can.
Not your obligation but we do appreciate if you will, ain't forcing just kinda teasing.
You are all grown up so take care.
Remember to be someone of value cuz that's all the treasure we can ever share. Be human in this world full of beast, stay real and humble cuz we all got this.
Go now, love... we'll always be here, cheering you every step of your battles.
Do or die, you just gotta try.
Dream it, got it!
We live to fly.

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