Speckles n Spectrum

back to basics seemingly-banal adventures of an eclectic modern muser...

"Learning from the Past, Hopes for the Future, and a Life's Journey of making the most of what's at hand."


Po joins forces with a group of new kung-fu masters to take on an old enemy with a deadly new weapon.

Director: Jennifer Yuh
Writers: Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger
Stars: Jack Black, Angelina Jolie and Jackie Chan
Language: English
Release Date: 25 May 2011 (Philippines)
Also Known As: Кунг-фу Панда 2

Taglines: Ska2oosh!

Genres: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family
Rated: USA - PG; Phil - G (MTRCB)

Source: IMDb

Another great movie for the whole family Kung Fu Panda 2. The return of Jack Black as Po this time as a dragon warrior with the Furious Five defending the Valley of Peace and from someone who'd want to destroy China and Kung Fu forever.

I don't know why I can't remember the first movie so I can't have any comparison. Maybe it wasn't too good perhaps?

Anyways, this movie is for the whole family for the story isn't made just for kids but there's something for everyone too. I love how it centers with Po's finding his inner peace, about family and friendship. He was now the dragon warrior loved by all and yet his memories of his mother and a symbol haunts him thus he realized in this movie that he was adopted.

This movie has a heart, it will make you laugh but then it never made me cry though there's a few touching moments but not too dramatic to let you shed tears. Am a lost for words here so just help yourself up and go enjoy the movie yourself.


The character of Master Croc, voiced by Jean-Claude Van Damme, late in the movie performs a signature move of Van Dammme's. As he leaps onto the boat Master Croc lands in a wide split position, a characteristic Van-Damme move. 

A few lines I like from the movie:

Po: I know it's not something a hardcore would understand... 
Tigress: The hardcore do understand... but I can't bear to see a friend die. 
You can chain my body but you can never chain my warrior spirit!
Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that doesn't make you who you are it is the rest of your story who you choose to be.
What's step 2? Honestly I didnt think I'll make it this far.
You gotta let go that stuff from the past coz it just doesn't matter the only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.

4 out of 5 stars. The movie was entertaining enough. It has great lines and puns. Wholesome, kids friendly and amusing. However for some reasons I felt that not all characters were given enough exposure in this film. Po and Tigress got the most part of the movie and there are scenes that could be better had the characters have more lines except those two. And there's the predictable storyline of typical kung fu classics, finding the inner peace, gaining it, conflict and winning the battle. Maybe I was expecting too much for a little touchy scene like from other kiddie movies like Toy Story. But this movie leave my tear ducts dry or maybe I'm not making sense since it's supposed to be a comedy but then I was expecting for a really heartfelt comedy. But it is heartfelt comedy haha so maybe it's just me as I said am a lost for words here so you'll be the judge. 

I slept it through and now I knew why am such speechless about this movie... hehe. It's because I can actually identify with Po. Not about being a hero thing but about the being a dragon warrior am more like a warrior of my own destiny, clumsy, big, childish, and silly. My cousin who lives in Brisbane teased me about being the Kung Fu Panda of the Philippines and as usual I'm low gets so I just thought it's about the size and silliness now I know it was about finding the inner peace.  Maybe it's more about that. I don't want to ask him to explain because knowing my silly cousin I won't get a decent answer. Am gonna settle for that idea but then if it's really the size his talking about I don't mind Pandas are cute lol.

Here's another story from revisiting my Alma mater (see "Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time.")

I actually major in extra curricular activities, minor in bumming or loitering around... haha. I didn't choose my course and I rebel by venturing into other things that interest me more like organizations, sports and people. Although I had to balance things out just enough to maintain my partial scholarship or else I'll be out of school for lack of money to afford a decent education.

My having a very photographic memory then make it all possible for me to have an easy breezy student life. I think I'm more street smart than book smart for I seldom read my textbooks though I love to read anything except those. I solely rely in common sense, class discussions and actual teachers' lessons unless I've been absent for a while and I need to catch up but then there's always my classmates' notebooks hehe.

This is actually my fave spot but before
there were piles of boxes and sacks of books cluttered here,
that's why I got the whole space on my own.
Plus a nice view...
But I am truly a bookworm, a lover of books. I love the smell of it and the texture. I love reading anything from newspaper, magazines, encyclopedia to billboards and signage or even vandals. I remember when I was seven years old any elder who's accompanying me walking downtown of Naga City was pestered that they have to wait for me because I was reading all the signage of the stores and all the written stuff in the street. But I don't think I've read enough. There's still a lot more to read... frustrating.

When I am alone in the school my hang out has always been the library. I went first at the second floor to read newspapers from back to cover (weird but I read newspapers backwards.) Then I stay for hours in a corner at the third floor of O'Brien Library reading books.

Sometimes I creep people out when I explain to them how I actually get almost perfect scores on test when they all knew that I never study at all. I actually have a story where I'm pretty sure that I pissed someone because of it. Well, not really pissed but I guess a teacher got insulted even though I didn't mean it to come that way.

It was examination week and my class for that day starts at 9:00am but as usual I was super late because of I don't really know why my scooter fracked up almost always during important days. (It was a very old scooter I understand that. It's a Yamaha V50 bought by my father in 1992 just imagine that and I went in college in 2001 - 2005 so yeah very vintage. But during ordinary days it's all fine I even drove it to Mt. Isarog that's why I am raging when it has to stop during very important occasions.)

My late sister with our scooter in 1992.

Therefore as a result I am 30 minutes late but then I know my teacher hated me already for being late almost every session. I had my tuition receipt but then my teacher wanted a permit. I paid my tuition as early as possible when permits weren't release yet so was a receipt enough? No. Oh, ok.

I went back to the cashier and as usual I have to fall in line. I almost wanted to just go home. The buildings aren't that closed enough and my classroom was on the third floor and I have to wear a hot skirt uniform in a very hot day because it is required during exam week and therefore it came along with a high heeled shoes, darn.

Got my permit and I rushed back to the third floor and I only have 30 minutes left to finish the exam, wow! And the insult was I even finish faster than some of my classmates and I got the highest score. Shoot me now but I am not bluffing or saying this because I have a big head and boasting. It's the frakkin' truth. I was even surprise too, one mistake, not bad for a 30-minute time frame.

But I'm still disappointed because I miss the easiest question and it's all because I was absent the day it was discussed, darn!

How it actually happened? Photographic memory. When I am taking a test it's like I have a big manuscript or notebook all written in the board. I can actually remember where it was exactly written in the board when it was discussed or on what part of my classmates notebook or book I've read it. It's like I'm scanning things in my brain for stock memories. Besides for that particular exam the teacher used the same questions given in the previous quizzes and used a sort of code in the answers. That's why once I figured the pattern for the answers it's a lot easier to choose the correct answers.

I wish I still have that photographic memory now. My gadgets ruined it especially my laptop. I rely heavily to its memory rather than my own. I felt like a gadget too, thinking I've no more disk space and I have better things to fill my memories than educational facts. But somehow it still work with certain things that's why I stop watching scary and disgusting things because it gets stuck in my head like forever that sometimes I can't even manage to close my eyes even in the shower. Yeah, that's how bad I get scared though I like the suspense of horror movies yet it's the aftermath that I can't handle well.

Photographic memory + vivid imagination = disaster and paranoia

So better drop it.

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As we where malling or store hopping in Iriga City last Saturday after a visit to Bigg's Diner we ended up discovering this very helpful feet protector at LCC.

FlexGel is another innovation from Burlington's BioFresh.

FlexGel Footcare Solutions!

FlexGel is made of unique formulated, extremely soft and stretchable S.E.B.S that helps absorb shock, relieves pressure and shearing force. It is highly stretchable in all directions and prevents pressure sore from repeat rubbing. 

FlexGel acts like a second skin as it has similar property of human soft tissue, so it is completely safe and does not cause allergies. It also kills germs that cause bad odor.

Protect your feet today, because a healthy feet is a happy feet!

Source: BioFresh Facebook Page 

There are 15 types of FlexGel available for specific foot problems and one may combine up to five kinds of FlexGel at a time.

Comfortable Insole
Heel Cradle
Heel Cushion
Arch Support
Forefoot Cushion
Forefoot Cushion (HAV)
Heel Wedge
Heel Protector
Bunion Protector
HAV Separator
Bunionette Protector
Toe Cap
Toe Protector
Toe Separator
Forefoot Cushion

We got these two:

FlexGel Comfortable Insole help relieve forefoot pressure,
heel pain due to long hours of standing and walking.
You apply it underneath the plantar foot on the shoe.
FlexGel Forefoot Cushion relieves forefoot pain,
help absorbs forefoot pressure
and reduce the chances to have callus.
You apply it on the 1st and 2nd toe
covering the callus plantar forefoot
before wearing socks.
 My mum needs the insole badly because of a diabetes foot complications and I need the cushion so I can wear heels without my weight hurting my feet. The product description is all true to itself it really is very effective in absorbing shock, relieving pressure and the shearing force plus it's antimicrobial.

Now we can all wear our favorite footwear again and again minus the pain and the smell. Yehey!

I found out that there's SofiGel too, a foot care cushion that is invisible, ultra slim, safe and suitable for all kinds of footwear. I think that's what I need for sandals but I'm okay now with the cushion. 

For more info just visit burlingtonphils.com

And I'm extra happy that Ryan Bang is the newest endorser of the brand BioFresh... he's such a funny guy...

I couldn't think of any better title than quoting Bertrand Russell's Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time”  for my yesterday's happening. I was supposed to attend a NO TO MINING IN PLALAWAN Signature Campaign but alas! the booth hasn't been set-up and therefore nothing to do but waste time.

Instead of being upset and start grumbling like an eight-year old I manage to focus more on positive things. I think this is what I do best for most part of my life, seeing beauty midst the disappointments. Yeah that other quote too which is becoming one of my favorites:

 "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain--- anonymous

So I did dance in the rain except it wasn't really rain. It was easy for I'm now the type that if I were stuck, let's say in Afghanistan I'm going to go sightseeing and  take it as a photo op and maybe learn and investigate or write about how to live the terrorist way or the Bin Laden way... hehe or take it as a good time to catch up on my reading.

Am going to break this story in a few blog entries for there just too many things to talk about so here's the first installment. Yay, am like J.K. Rowling now wahahaha, there's part 1 and part 2 and so on... (you wish aby!)

The question is will I get the same enthusiasm to continue this after another day? No clue but hope so, crossing my fingers now.

My visit wasn't really wasted for I am very much happy that at such a long time I'm back again in my Alma mater. This time I'm no longer camera shy so picture-taking it is! I've visited all my favorite places to hang out then. I was even amazed that a few people still remember me after six years of being a graduate, WOW! Yeah just Wow! I'm so amazed and grateful for that.

I'll share a few stories why oh why out of the thousands students who passes this gate years and years the guard has recognized me. Simply because I'm a frakkin' law breaker, oh ok don't be exagge just broken a few rules here and there... hehe.

I'm a notorious driver meaning I don't have a gate pass sticker yet I always manage to get in the campus with my scooter and off the speed limits. When I'm in the mood for some kicks I drive in places where scooters aren't supposed to be running. I used to park in a place where it isn't allowed (says who I've seen a few motorcycles parked there too?) and therefore my day almost always ends up in the guard house claiming my scooter that they've impounded. Then I won't do it for a few days then back to normal again after a few more days or I just managed to find another hiding place for my scooter but still inside the campus... bahaha.

Then there's the not in uniform days and wearing slippers almost all the time and the "I forgot my I.D." darn thing.

They say familiarity breeds contempt but it's the other way around for me. I get my way out of sticky situations because of regular encounters with these guys. Oops wait for dirty minds, everything was casual and  platonic (I was a tomboy then so we're all friends.) I didn't date or talk to anyone of them more than 30 minutes or so and the longest chit chat is still about me begging for them to let me off the hook for my no sticker, illegally parked scooter... hehe.

Then there's Tiya where I got my halo, rice with dinuguan toppings. Too bad she's not selling anything like that now because things are getting pricey and she couldn't afford to sell food that cheap now, according to her. But there's still dinuguan available and I had my taste of her lumpia once again and betamax in the next stall. Woohoo I felt like I'm college again. Too bad the sago drinks are no longer here too.

Somehow some things will never change like the warmth of people and the memories brought by everyone and the places we've been. But for the rest I guess...

... time really changes things and truly they just come and go.

It's all like a wheel, one day you're up, the next you're down.

Like a switch, one day you're on, the next you're off.

Like fame, one day you're in, the next you're out.

Like fashion, one day you're hip, the next you're sloppy.

Like movies, one day you're block buster, the next you're flop.

Like twitter, one day you're trending, the next who are you then?

Very inevitable.

Hay CHANGE, why is it the only constant thing is you?


If you happen to go at the second floor of SM, you'll pass by with this booth just in front of the escalator going to the food court with the sign WWF.

I've known this in May 2009 when someone approached me and ask for a few minutes of my time when I was loitering (lol) at Greenbelt, my hang out then when I was still staying in Makati. (see Do I look like a million buck$?)

What is WWF?
WWF or World Wildlife Fund is an independent foundation registered under Swiss law and conceived on April 29, 1961. It is also one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations.

What is WWF's mission?

WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:
  • conserving the world’s biological diversity
  • ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
  • promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

What issues does WWF work on?

Source: wwf.panda.org

So if you're curious about WWF or want to help out either by helping awareness like what I do by adding their widget in my blog or you want to support them financially you can do it by visiting http://wwf.panda.org for more info about the organization and its programs.

Or you can just simply approach these guys at the mall =)

In 1962, Charles Xavier starts up a school and later a team, for humans with superhuman abilities. Among them is Erik Lensherr, his best friend... and future archenemy.


Matthew Vaughn


Ashley Miller (screenplay), Zack Stentz(screenplay), et. al. 


James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence


James English, German, French, Spanish, Russian

Release Date: 

2 June 2011 (Philippines)

Also Known As: 

X-Men: Primera generación 


The story begins...


Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Rated: PG-13

Source: IMDb

There's a great buzz about this film. Truly it's worth the wait. People were like joking about it being second class. Well, that's for some who were fanatics of the comics because they're expecting a lot the way it was in the printed graphic. But most movie reviews we're actually pretty good about it since it got 8. 2 out of 10 stars in IMDb. 

I am not familiar with the lead characters therefore it won't qualify me as a legit movie critic but I'd like to comment about the story on how it speaks to me the time I watched it. As usual I started watching this when I was feeling really sleepy so I almost dozed off in half of the quarter of the film. I like the part where Professor X and Mystique met. Then when all of the mutants gathered in one base where they'd destroyed the statue while trying to display each of everyone's talent one at a time. It was really the part of the story that get me out of snooze time. 

It was a very interesting story of friendship full of surprising turn of events, worthy quotable lines, and it will make you think which side are you clinging if ever you're part of the team. 

It's amazing that a prequel like this was done good enough and even surpasses the last X-men movies. It had given a full blown past of Professor X and Magneto's friendship and it makes us hope they should just stay friends forever though  we all knew that he'll be the bad guy and still we hope in this film he wouldn't. 

The film gave us an example of beautiful friendships, how people have to sacrifice relationships just to fulfill what they choose and believe to be their destiny. It was a matter of love and cause. Choosing between what you love and what you believe in. 

Are you going to stay and fight for the people who's going to kill you once they know you are different or are you going to be with your own kind and fight for your race once provoke? 

I have a few favorite lines from this movie:

Erik Lensherr"If you're using half your concentration to look normal, then you're only half paying attention to whatever else you're doing. Just pointing out something that could save your life. You want society to accept you, but you can't even accept yourself."

Professor Charles Xavier"There's so much more to you than you know, not just pain and anger. There's good in you too, and you can harness all that. You have a power that no one can match, not even me." 

5 out of 5. The movie actually deserves it for it has all the elements of being entertaining and movies are supposed to be entertaining in the first place that's why we watch them. 

Good story-line, nice dialogues, better actors and actresses, cinematography, good visual effects, action-packed film, a bit or rather just a stashed of romance here and there. It makes you think, it excites you plus the eye candies that aren't just pretty faces but obviously can act and rule their roles.

And oh before I forget my secret bf is in this movie and I'm gonna show you a keepsake of mine... eww... (I'm warning you, please don't puke... hehe)


It's me in 2007 and him in 2010 and we met in 2011 by way of this picture... bahaha 

Woke up at 4am, brekkie with mum's super green veggies (broccoli, lettuce and moringa leaves ), showered and  start my early morning neighbor disturbing sound trip. At least my music isn't noise, it's not like I'm still into Korn, Rage against the Machine or the likes so my mum's even singing along with Glee's "Just the way you are" to think she's always the first person who doesn't like full blast stereos.

Then I thought I want to blog about another song now, knowing me it's not something new, I am always nostalgic most of the time now... oh, no I'm getting old, yeah, yeah. I always hear myself saying now when I was a kid or something like that. In fact, I was talking the other day to a little girl and she said she wanted to grow up already and wear lady dresses and I told her not to hurry growing up, enjoy playing and being a kid because when she's already my age she'll regret not doing all of that, as if I wasn't able to play a lot when I was little... hehe

But I think there will always be a part of me that will remain a child whatever age I may be. I like the simplicity, the peacefulness you see in every kid and I like how they seemed to be happy about little things.  The genuine smile and laughter you get out of simply getting candies. I like that, I wish everyone retains that despite the virus called growing up. Yeah, virus lol.

This song isn't really about being a kid but I loved watching this on MTV when I was in high school. I remember I didn't leave home not after I've seen this in Most Wanted (that's why I'm almost always late if not late or super late, sorry teachers hehe)

Hhmmm, I'm not a fan of Madonna. This is actually the only video and song I like from her list. I'm a lyric person, it's always about the message before the melody or the catchy beat. Always looking for meaningful and inspiring things even then. Thinking about it now, I wanna ask...

Hey Aby, what happened to your ideologies?

Hmmm, I say this song makes me wanna scream OUCH!

Here I go again feeling like I need to explain to myself everything but well I'd like to point out my inconsistencies. This is actually what's good about having a journal because you can go analyzed better. For some wondering for the eccentricities here, this blog is a sort of diary where I talk to myself, go crazy, write my idiosyncrasies so don't be shocked if one day you read stuff like I hate myself, I hate my mum then all of a sudden I'm happy and I love everything.  I'm no longer angsty or broken I am just blogging and Newsflash it's just normal to have conflicts, be sad or angry once in awhile, duh. I know I will forever be a stained glass, with little cracks or maybe scars that will always be inside my heart but that's where I get my strength and my learnings in life so it's just fine. It's what fuels my creative side too and the reality that artists or creative people are always more vulnerable.

As I reread my entries I figured I've got inconsistencies with my point of view about "contentment." One post well thought of and written then the other one rushed. But I think I have 2 different meanings for the word, depends on the situation which isn't so clear to me up to this moment so I can't still write about it. I'll have to figured that out one day ;)

Another one my Vyou (can be pronounced as vee-you or like view, i personally prefer view) responses. I said I don't drink softdrinks but someone offered me Coca-Cola the other day and I'm a happy camper so I'm fine with anything. One confession (call me a cheapskate) but I prefer POP haha. It's actually beginning to be a habit of mine that when I drop-by at my sister's boutique I'm always craving for it. Yes the 20-peso worth of cola. I know I have to stick more often to no-softdrinks rule or else hello diabetes.

Then my answer to "Are you a Fashionista?" No. But the truth is the answer should be Yes and No. I dress according to my mood and not according to the hype but as I've said I like to check out what's new too and hope to pick up something that will enhanced my style. Yet I'm not like the type that says let's go rush to the mall and buy that new stuff instead I hit mine or my mum's closet and try to search for something that may resemble the new. That's why I'm a vintage girl and I'm so grateful for living in this era where you can be anything you want, dress up or dress down and everyone can have their own style without being out of fashion. So personally I am not a fashionista but because I'm helping advertise my sis' store and they sell the latest fashion therefore that makes me one.

One more thing while I can still remember it. The Lookbook, oh yeah, the lookbook, so what happened to am not gonna join the lookbook aby? Hehe I lied. Everybody lies, according to 100 days to Heaven. (I'm such a fan, sorry I just have to add that.) Hmmm... I just changed my mind because I sooooooo want the widget in my blog. Yeah I know what you're gonna tell me, shallow but hey to each its own, it makes me happy. I heart the widget so I have to join the lookbook to get it and I need to upload ugly photos of mine to make it work. Who cares if no one hype my look, I still have my widget hehe.

And I said I'm going to be consistent now. Well, well, well I am consistent, aren't I? I am consistent in being inconsistent FML... ops, just kidding hehe

In a country who loves basketball it is just so right on time for Naga City to introduce a new game to the locals. Football isn't really that new. We've heard it from Europe and other parts of the world and some Filipinos are already playing it for years now but there's never really an official competition conducted for the love of football.

(Photo and Quoted Text source: Naga City Inter-Barangay Futsal Tournament Official Facebook Page)
Futsal, from its Spanish term Futbol (football) de Sala(indoor), is a type of football game where it is played indoors. It is a 5v5 format, which means 5 versus 5 players, where players will wear rubber shoes since it will be played not on the field but rather on a cemented/wooden floor. Special rules will apply for this type of football and a ball different from the regular football type will also be used, a smaller (size 4) and less bouncy ball. (see FIFA's About for Futsal)
Participants of tournament will come from the 27 Barangays that composes the City of Naga. The tournament will be available for Men and Women with the following age brackets: Under13, Under19, and Open.
The tournament will be held at LCC Naga located in Barangay Sabang, Naga City- a one-ride away from Centro. The tournament will commence on the 23rd of May 2011 and is projected to end on June 4, 2011, every 3:00PM until 8:00PM from Monday to Saturday.

Kudos to the City Government of Naga and to the organizers of this event for this is the first ever in the Philippines Inter-barangay Futsal Tournament. This will be a doorway for talented kids we have in the community for Football is a game where Filipinos can excel and be competitive even in the International scene or whatever --- this is fun, so let's just have some clean fun and say "NO TO DRUGS."

Hail Football and cheers to the future Azkals of the Philippines.

p.s. I've attended the opening program but forgot to post this immediately. Sorry for the late feature but you still have a chance to watch until June 4, better late than never  =)

It was almost too late for me to make an entry and join this contest. I wasn't aware that campaign ads had been in my blog since April 8, 2011. Last week I've noticed that at midnight McDonald ad is popping out in my sidebar Nuffnang ads so was Sun Broadband at the bottom of every page.

Based on Nuffnang rules that they are adding ads according to what suits your blog best having McDonald and Sun with the tagline "Find your fun" is so much flattering for me. (Sorry I'm a newbie on ads that's why it makes me happy having these on my blog.) It's overwhelming for the fact that they actually wanted to be seen side-by-side with my nonsense rants, wee. So I was all happy with that but Wait, there's actually more... (I remember all of a sudden the Shop TV line that I actually love to watch before even if it's all reruns... yeah, my kind of fun haha)

When I've checked my list of ads I've discovered that Levi's has been in my metered campaign since April 18, wth? And that came along with this Roadwear "Your Journey" promo... darn. How did I possibly miss all this stuff huh? May 31 yes that's today (12:10AM here already) the last day of submission of entries... whew! Talk about beating the deadline.

After learning this I immediately created an entry and wasted 12 hours for it. My movie maker stopped responding the first time so there goes my 7 hours down the drain and bye bye hard work. I've started over and rush things up and even though I wasn't able to recreate the first work I was able at least to make something decent for the final entry.

But I'm not much proud of my final work, my brain got stuck and it seems I've forgotten a lot of things to add and I don't know where'd my pretty original quotes went during the making of this entry... hay =(

Ops, I'm fraking selling my self short again, aren't I? I'm supposed to ask you to like my entry so let's just pretend you didn't read what I've written up there... haha

And one more thing, the hassle to vote... at least I'm giving you the warning if you ever want to really help me win this Levi's Roadwear promo but I have a solution for that so it will be easier and you won't get lost on the website.

Here's my detailed photo instructions, if you still get lost after reading this, I don't know what to say... hehe

Please click the photos to enlarge it.

Go to Levi's Roadwear website

It was a mistake that I've uploaded 2 entries but just choose the first one.

SKIP THIS STEP means less hassle =)

Please like my entry once a day until the contest end. 

Don't forget here's the website http://www.levisroadwear.com/ph/promo/
And type in the search box: Maria Kristina Abiog

This is actually the first time I've plea for help for a contest... hehe (see the Category for this entry to help you realize hehe) I wanted it so badly because winning this will save my rooster piggy bank from breaking and it will help a lot in my blogging. This is like the shortcut to my wishlist so please be kind Help a scavenger in need. ;)

To be fair here's my entry you might want to watch it first so you can decide whether you'd like to vote for it so you can avoid all the hassle on checking the Levi's site.

Thank you so much for reading my blog and grateful in advance for you likes =)

Violent reactions  (lol), comments, suggestions are always welcome. It may hurt my sensitive feelings but well everyone needs a constructive criticism, right? And I actually need it badly PMs are good too for some of you aren't comfortable using the comment box. I can keep a secret, trust me on that =)

What's up with the spectrum? Nothing, nothing except for a great lull. I've attended a blogging class and so I've discovered as I always know that I still got a lot to learn. When I say a lot, I mean A LOT.

I was a bit discourage to be honest. Everything seemed wrong and I wanted to start from scratch but then I chose to lie-low for a while, to breath and think it over. Maybe my blog wasn't that bad at all, my alexa rank is actually pretty fine to think this blog is just 2 months old and oh I just discovered that my site has a good rating based from a small number of votes with avast. Darn, it isn't that bad after all. But then I still don't feel that great, I'm still a useless person for some people that I think will never find anything good about me whatever the circumstances are. Ops, ops negativity again.

This is why I'm starting to get away from blogging for a while, at least the real blogging... opinion, rants, personal thoughts kind of blogging which I want to stop for a moment.  I'm becoming a drama queen in writing, hush, hush... maybe that's why a lot of my real-life acquaintances are backing off. I don't say much but well, I notice and I'm not a dumb ass, it's not being paranoid but I've got instincts you know? Blocked fb, private walls, deleted from my family's clan in fb group, wth? I'd like to ask what did I frakin do to actually deserve that?

Because you blog about things they will never understand and you write honest things that they will never admit even for themselves, said my brains.

Honestly, I'm hurt but then I am never the type who will wallow on things like that. On the other hand it means someone's paying attention. It must be a delight for me but well NO, I don't really blog because I seek for attention. Well, this is something only bloggers and hobbyist will understand. For me, I do this to saturate my need for an outlet to be creative and to think but if people like what I do, visitors are always welcome. It's my pleasure to entertain you then with my nonsense LOL.

My real-life circles' reaction are mostly negative base from that maybe because they are taking things too personal maybe a little paranoid that for some reasons my thoughts here are a product of my interaction with them. Yes and No. There are some but not everything is about them. Remember these are actually my introspection in life, my opinions and I never said that my truths should be everyone's truth. It can't be and it can never be. But this is actually a good sign for when there's a resistance it only means I've taken my grounds. I'm not a push-over, blinded follower on where the hypes going to lead the pack.

But still it's a shame, have I gone overboard on my opinions or did I spam my fb wall with egoistic, negative, obtrusive, foul nonsense? I know some are super sensitive like someone who I will never name here. I was even told that I'm not aware of my bad side. My eyes rolled upon hearing this? Really, like really? I am not? Darn, if only you take sometime reading my blog and you can find all the negative things you don't know that I shove almost everyday to my face. Maybe then you'll tell me the opposite of that. maybe you'll say I'm not aware of what's good about me.

But then I am surrounded by people who never see any good about me so it's never a surprise. That's why I'm actually changing my self-approach I gotta learn to see at least some good about me or no one will. I actually know my limitations, when someone jokes, you laugh and kid with them but make sure it will never be below the belt, it's called tact. I don't treat people in a hierarchy, I hate caste system. I treat each one like every other person who deserves to be treated well though I'm a little impatient when it's my mother. (Please understand I've had enough of her non-stop nagging though I genuinely miss her when she's not around) And well, I'm extra kind with kids. Some people likes to throw personal bad jokes but never knew how to take one back. Throwing fires but don't want to take one in return but obviously if you start one, almost always it will backfire right?

Sometimes it's funny that people think blogging is a rich people thing and being opinionated makes you a sort of know-it-all which I'm neither. It is a pity that some choose to be silent and afraid to mingle and explore every opportunity because they lack money. I am not rich too but that never hinders me to be creative and stretch out and make the most of what I have at the moment. You know being happy and grateful for what you have is very different for being contented. For if you are contented it means you are putting an end to every possibility. You stop dreaming and you get stuck there. But then if you are thankful and grateful for what you have you actually think of things to do and make the most out of it. You give back by enjoying life and becoming creative. That's the least I can do for now, I am not a hero, not even aiming to become one, I never consider myself righteous, I'm never good nor perfect but I just want to share that I am a mess but striving to be at least a one hot mess by living the way I am and never like any other. This is my garbage, you might pick something to recycle here or just a fair warning so you won't get the same dirt with me.

Now, now I'm wandering again in thoughts. yes this post is actually getting nowhere that's why it is called a rant, right?  So where am I? Oh still here on earth, darn!

Someone asked what happened to my blogging schedule. I realized it won't work for me because there are times that I wanted so badly to blog but then I got that stupid programming so I can't post anything unrelated to it thus instead of being productive I've shoved tons of ideas in oblivion. (I'm a stickler for rules especially my own rules that's how I discipline myself and I'm such a self-disciplinarian when I say this, SELF you really need to do this, talk about contrasting personality, huh? But that's how I get out of my vices: chain-smoking, drinking, partying and all)

Why not just save it and schedule it's publishing you may ask. It's something I still need to learn, I mean I know how to schedule a blog post but I can't get on the thought that I may not be feeling the same thing when I finally publish that post. It's actually a big deal for me to post things during the time that I want to post it and how I feel towards it at that time. Why because I'm an avid reader of my blog. The top reason why I write this is because it is for me, yeah, yeah selfish I know. But still I want it that when I reread it I can remember my exact feelings on the date and time of that certain post. Weird but well, I'm like that so just forget it.

Now, I'm still stubborn because I won't apply all of the things I've learned in the blog class. I don't want to be like everyone, I want people to relate to my blog somehow and identify with my experiences but I don't really want to be or do what everyone's doing like we need to wear some kind of uniform to show that we're on a team.

I'm grateful for the learning from the SITS class, I learned a lot but I'm keeping my individuality after all this is my blog and in Speckles n Spectrum I rule! But thanks, thanks much for all the lessons at least I've improved. It's really hard to bend an old tree and hard to teach a bad dog. Sorry for the trouble, lol. But I'm still part of the group and hope to participate in every possible way.

Btw as you can see from a previous post I'm venturing in another interest - fashion blogging, more things to learn, study, experiment, etc. I'm always hungry for new things and ways to squeeze my creative juices. I will never be too good for everything but still it will never hurt to start and try. A baby will never learn to walk, if he chose to remain seated and never get the courage to stand, take baby steps and let go. It's a hobby for chrissake, chill, you can try too if you want. Don't be too hard on yourself, enjoy life. It's too short to spend it in insecurity. I'm a plus size but I'm comfortable with my skin, it's a lot better than a slim who constantly compare themselves to supermodels. But I do want to lose some weight too for health reasons but not yet. Maybe some other time... hehe

And I really don't know why my title is "the lazy days bug" have I written anything that can actually be related to that? Oh crap never mind too lazy to think for another title now =)

Spectrum by


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