Speckles n Spectrum

back to basics seemingly-banal adventures of an eclectic modern muser...

"Learning from the Past, Hopes for the Future, and a Life's Journey of making the most of what's at hand."



Here we go again… remember when people started chanting in the streets “BLACK LIVES MATTER” and I went “ALL LIVES MATTER?”


Perhaps my subconscious had felt this coming and it is really very possible since we like dwelling in hate and instead of digging deeper addressing the problem from its root cause we like dealing with it when it is popular just hopping on the bandwagon because it seems pretty cool yeah?


Notice that I don’t even want to use the race because that alone creates division. Why are we hating so much? Where is it coming from? Someone who has a lot of hatred in his or her heart grew up miserable they say. The rudest people need the most love.


Yes. I am Asian and I felt the biased and harassment while working as a Call Center agent for almost 10 years of my waking hours in the BPO industry. I am not oblivious neither claiming that I know nothing about this discrimination. Racism does exist long before the internet did. Now, I’m not so sure whether the internet lessens it or made it worse?


If we are going to deal with it let’s ask those high almighty creatures what made them hate? Differences perhaps? But if you are in an advanced country should you be more understanding since you have all the benefits of better lifestyle and you are most likely to be educated enough to understand those differences?


What’s there to hate?


Because we are getting all your jobs from you? Someone said.


Without us most countries’ economy would collapse and we are only doing most jobs you don’t want to handle yourself for the most part.


What about Covid?


No one wanted covid-19. It was an accident and you don’t blame anyone for fate.


I know we all have different point of views and circumstances in life but no reason is good enough to excuse you from acting like a real HUMAN BEING and humans do care!



Do you believe in mystical things, fairies, elves, witches or even ghosts? I've been a skeptic all my life but this recent years, a year ago to be exact had me shaken and question all things normal or paranormal. I've experienced supernatural things since I was a kid but since it all seems like a dream more so a nightmare I just disregarded it and treat it like it never really happened. Same with how I treat love... just a dream for the hopeless romantic me.

Don't get me wrong. I don't have bad experiences with my relationships if I did the worst is dealing with an insecure boyfriend who always try to question if he is worthy of my love towards him. It seems that I'm the one who always call it quits when things don't go as I want it to be: a typical Virgo, I guess. 

2020 was the year of Covid-19, yes the pandemic that is still affecting us up to this date Tuesday, March 16, 2021 and who knows until when it will subside. It was also the year that awakened me into the realm of spirituality. I was bored and I started vlogging without any idea what I'm doing I asked my friend to recommend a vlogger with the same niche as mine so I can improve how I vlog.

The first time I watched his vlog I felt that sudden calmness and at the same time he inspires my artistic side. I wanted to create more and more vlogs. The more I watch the more I discover our similarities which is cute at the start but became unnerving at the latter part. Every time I post there goes his answers through his stories and videos. Bit by bit it seems like everything was connected. I tried to get the truth but he left me in his unread box. It's frustrating that the only person who can answer all the questions and doubts you have is ignoring you but not really. He has his own way of replying to my questions, dang!

In my despair looking for answers I started researching and I ended up with the word: TWINFLAME. According to how I understand this, Twinflames are two people coming from one soul that had been split from lifetimes of past life. It's like a hardcore version of soulmates. I don't even believe in past life, soulmates or reincarnation, my ghad. 

According to Savvas, “A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It's one soul split into two bodies.” Digging a little deeper, Savvas once wrote of twin flames: “When a soul is created, it is split into two parts, mirrors of each other, constantly yearning to reconnect.”

They said Twinflames have a greater purpose in the universe and it will only come true once they unite. Is it like Voltes 5? Let's volt in? Kidding aside I'm pretty sure he knows about it. Maybe he is teaching me a lesson or maybe not?

There are days I doubt my sanity because I can talk to him in my mind. Psychics call it telepathy or 5D. I still call it insanity. 


My things getting moved or broken, I don't know if I still have to be afraid since I'm with a twin spirit or maybe a ghost? 


How can you explain when you are just trying to lit up one range but two gas ranges do once in a while? 


I can smell, feel and sense him. 

The hugs and kisses. The intimacy.


But wait, is this even real? Amidst all of the proofs I remain skeptical. I'm a Virgo after all. I based things from facts, evidence and hard truths. I need the answer of that dude so I can confirm this craziness I'm going through. There are days it is so hard to pull off because it seems like there is a force field pulling me back to him. How can I forget when every time I look at the mirror I see his face, those eyes staring back at me, haunting and capturing? Why do I have a feeling he knew me already before I even knew him? My intuition is good but because of this guy I'm starting to doubt everything but despite the doubts I don't know why I can sense that he is a good guy. I hope one day he will have the courage to tell me things I needed confirmation. For now, I felt I'm being watched 24/7 or maybe I'm just paranoid. All the tarot readings I've been watching just left me frustrated. 

What I need are answers to my questions, the truth and nothing but the truth, that's all about it so help me God.

In this generation where we break cycles and free ourselves from orthodox mindsets. Raising kids might confuse a lot of couples just starting out a family. We got this rule: Out with the old, here comes the new. 

Let's raise the new gen with out-of-the-box, radical but individualistic ideas. Paved them a future where they can freely be themselves.

Name your kids without binds.

When I say "without binds" meaning don't give your baby a name that will cause hassle in the future.

✅ Gender Neutral Names

I know this will raise eyebrows but hear me out. You will never know what your baby might turn out when it comes to sexual orientation. Giving them really gender specific names would mean a disaster in the future. 

Here's an example: 

You named your baby boy...
🚹 Hercules

... turns out during adolescent age, your baby boy is...
🚺 Meghara 

He got bullied much because people expect he would be manly because of that masculine name. He will forever despise that name and will eventually adapt a name perfect for his gender preference.

If you want to avoid awkward moments during your kid's identity crises stage be clever in choosing their given names.

✅ Religion Neutral Names

This is really important. Never name your babies from biblical characters or really suggestive names from any religion. I know as parents we want the best for them and of course we want them worshipping the same God, Yahweh, Allah etc. but you can only try and expose them in the religion you want but eventually when they become adults obviously they will start criticizing things and decide what to believe in. What's the most awkward way to change religion if you got the name of another religion's Deity, right? 


🚹 Jesus baptized in Roman Catholic.
🚹 Jesus wanting to be a Muslim in his adult years.

Obviously Jesus would pray and do anything to change names, Allah perhaps? Jokes.

✅ Non-suggestive Names

Got a name you think perfect for your baby right? 

🚹 Obet

Did you know that in another region in the Philippines "OBET" means "ASS"?

Moral of the story before naming your baby, GOOGLE it. You might never know if your perfect baby's name is a freakin joke in another locality or country.

Yep that includes checking slangs and Urban dictionaries too. 

Trust me, you don't want to see a meme with your baby's picture making his or her name as a pun.

✅ Century Appropriate Names

I cannot emphasize this more. Spare your babies for a lifetime of name shaming butt jokes from their peers. 

❌ Procurpia
❌ Restituto

Any archaic names that sound old cuz they are really old. No offense but your babies will be shamed everytime having names meant for grannies unless you aren't aware how kids behave these days. Anything that sounds weird in a bad way, old, nonsense, annoying Idk but I'm just saying be careful with your baby names. If you love your kids give them a name that they will love in their lifetime.


Short and

Kiss it baby. Take it from me who's crying out loud for having such a long name. Dang the hassle writing your name over and over especially during kindergarten when you are just learning how to write your name. Geez. Believe me your babies will thank you later so Kiss. 💋

We procreate for a better world and what better way to start being good parents by paving your kids future beginning with a good name (literally, figuratively and metaphorically speaking).                                                      --- Stormy Krist

Tis the 21st century
Baby boomers, millenials and whatnots
Gen X, Y, and Z
Reciting alphabets are we?
Butterflies in my tummy are dancing like nuts...
Thy brain neurons are kinda connecting the dots while this EQ's attempting to tie the knots and that hands crossing every t(s), periods in all the i(s).

Drum rolls smashing every beat's pumpin, blood rushin
Eardrums breakin in this silence...
twas loudly deafening.
Takes my breath in a faraway stance
Got this tear duct swelling
The fantasies never ending
Cravings off the roof
Intuitions ain't foolproof
Gut feelings stirring up dead corpse
Good cop or bad cop?
Hell this is dope.

Are you some kind of brainiac
You are cracking the codes
It feels like you were that same weirdo I've met a dozen centuries unfold.
Pastlife, reincarnations and karmic patterns...
Cosmic entangling right before our subconscious awakening
Twin soul finally meeting after lifetimes of wandering...
Searching for mates, playing chess...
Pawns and bishops, horses gallops slaying knights...
Seems this is quite a checkmate.
I don't think I'm making sense...
Sounds like I'm still frakkin tense or most probably too dense.
What the heck am I thinking... I don't even believe in all those things I keep enunciating.

I'm too old school,
weird but you kinda find it cool.
At the same time I'm unorthodox,
Interestingly you like what you find everytime I'm unboxing even the strangest facts.
Are you out of this world or am I or we're just both out of our minds?

Where I am there's only rain or sun but you brought autumn with the feels of four seasons in this humid wonderland.

You've awaken the best parts of me, bringing into life a different kind of energy.
There is something certain in this eccentricity no matter how subtle I can't just simply unsee what lurks beneath the peculiarity.

I was complete in my solitude,
ain't looking but fate has its funny way of making our lives a comedy.
That kind of humor that creeps into your veins, we are jesters fooling around.
All along I thought twas a comedy but why'd romance got a spin into this suddenly?

Rom-com was it now?

In every jokes, every punchline I take the hit in every pun intended or not. Every frown, you think I'm fun. It makes you smile annoying me for some time. Making you cry, thought would make you whine, got you drinking but I guess you're not the only one getting drunk in this exchanges of sweet-what-nots.

Sweet nothings, that's all we have... nothing... that's all we are.

Dolce far niente... we speak but never really communicate, we got this morse code and a dash-in-between. We thought we connect but in reality we are lost in the midst of translation but still my soul finds peace in our chaos and thats the irony of this maze we are intertwined.

Yeah, I'm an old soul with a heart of a kiddo, an attention span of a five year old, an appetite of a wolf, an imagination as wild as the roses in that forbidden dark forest deep in the hollows, a mentality of a Mafia that commands like a whistler, swift like a ninja swerving in jagger moves inside a woman's physique in her mid 20s with an actual milestone of almost four decades but boy, in love I'm just a confused teeny bopper that's a real life late bloomer.

I guess I've watered my garden enough that bees and butterflies are flying over and checking it out.
Got everything together except I'm still messing it up cuz this girl's always skeptic when it comes to romantic love.

Sweep me off my feet...
I hear ye hopeless romantic woes.
I didn't lose a shoe and I freakin hate curfews
Hair's too short to let down as a rope
I woudn't trade my voice to emerge from the sea...
the mirror said my love affair with the sun made me glowing like a bronze statue too farfetched to be white as snow can't even be your trophy too
tho I'm lazy I'm way too busy to spend the days in slumber waiting for a spellbreaker with a different hue.

I'm not a damsel in distress
Probably just awfully stress
Not sure if I'm ready for this
But I guess it won't make a difference if I keep running away from probabilities.
Let's explore the unknown deep down the woods of uncertainties looking for possibilities.
Breathe in, breathe out
Okay, I'm gonna be reckless one last time
Where's that falls should I dive head first, heartless or headless, heart first?
It's hard to make them both agree when the head's too hardcore and the hearts too soft it kinda melts even in synthetic heat.
Gotta get my potions first and chant prayers in whispers off the air.
Are miracles for real?
Witch, take a leap of faith...
Just do it... waitever.
Hey, this isn't a fairytale, exorcism perhaps?
Nah, just hopeless romantic nuances.
Here we go again, it's almost midnight you are way too late... cmmon bloom.

Flowers are amazing. They make the world pretty and it's a great way to brighten any girls' day or make 'em fall for your romantic ideas.

Things get complicated somehow if you are dating an Eco-friendly, no-nonsense, simple and practical kinda gal. 

Once she laid eyes upon your bouquet of roses and tulips, her mind starts punching her mental calculator and rounding off the $ you wasted on this bunch. 

Don't get me wrong of course I love roses, tulips or whatnots but I'm the kind of girl who doesn't like unnecessary extravagance. Sure it's romantic as hell and it's instagrammable shit but I don't want you to break the bank just to tell me how special you wanna make me feel. Besides after a few days it will gonna rut and whither even if you offer it in your altar. Aesthetic BS only for show off, don't care about mother earth, it's all about the money, money kinda bitches.

Haven't heard about "Sustainable Living," y'all?  

The idea is only getting and living on things that you need just so everyone will get a fair share especially the next generation in terms of our natural resources. 

Pretty. Basic. Indeed. 

Boils down to one word: RESPECT.

So here's some tips for you. I'm gonna make your life easier by giving you a roadmap on how to pleasure a woman like me.

  • DIY food bouquet. 
There's nothing better than handmade stuff. I love effort more than the cost of your gift. It's always the thought that counts when it comes to me. Impress me how well aware you are (show off your stalking skills, oops was it called research?) about the food I go gaga over I might end up going gaga with you too, who knows. 🤷🏾‍♀️

  •  Handcrafted flower bouquet.
Up to you how to please me but here's a suggestion. Origami, anyone? Japanese paper, old newspaper or glossy magazines, metallic foil, cotton, metal scraps, fabric or whatnots as long as they are environment friendly. I'd love these flowers and if you're feeling a little extra slip a note, love letter, haiku, poetry, quote and even a song lyric in each one of them or one is enough. We go for quality not quantity, baby. Anyhow, anyways you'll get appreciated.

  • Edible Flower Bouquet.
If you weren't the DIY type this one will work too. Just get me a customized candy or chocolate baked bouquet. Cakes, pastries or desserts will be fine. But if you can do it on your own. I'm floored. There's something about men who can cook and bake that's making me excited. (Kinda reminds me of my Papa.)

  • Flower Undies Bouquet.
This might be a little kinky so I guess try to give it to a long term girlfriend just a heads up. I don't want you getting slapped on the first date. Btw you have an option of a reusable, disposable or edible ones. Your bucks, your choice. 
Handkerchief or face towels would be great too cuz your girl can use it to dry her tears of joy.

  • Veggie Flower Bouquet.
I guess this one is the most practical of all. Just make sure your girl loves vegetables  and cooking or you might end up sourgraping and bitter like an ampalaya later. Fruits will be a great alternative if that's the case. 

  • Spiritual Flower Boquet
If your chic is the meditating yoga-ish kinda gal here's a gem fit for spiritual warrior princesses. Get her a set of scented flower candles with incense sticks and lavender, ocean breeze or minty jasmine sorts of oils in a bouquet. You might just help her manifest the law of attraction. Who knows, that could be you.

  • Green-thumb Flower Bouquet
Okay, I get it you really want to show her how genuine you feel so you wanna gift the real deal. You need a bit of muscle flexing here cuz I'll accept a bunch of flowers on a flower pot. Yep you got it: PLANTS! I'm a zombie, that's why 😅

If you like a flower, you pluck it but if you love a flower you water it daily until it blooms. --- anonymous

***A rare flowering plant from an exotic place you've visited during your travels is perfect or wild orchids and "waling waling" in different varieties will do. TBH I want a black rose and a purple tulip in my own garden. Fruit bearing plants would be great too. Ok, anything edible is perfect. Isn't it obvious? I don't love to eat, period. I live to eat that might include you. 😬

Nine months you were in the womb
No idea what's outside waiting once full grown.
Finally they cut that umbilical cord
Freedom you might think is all that's worth?
Your cry echoes across the hall
Papa's taking a video capturing this precious view.
Mum's restless almost out of strength but a smile flustered in blushing cheeks nonetheless.
Tis a wonderful day to celebrate
an angel greet us "buenas diaz"
and totally it is.

Everyday became a miracle
It wasn't all fun but the journey...
twas worth all the sleepless nights and counting changes to make ends meet just to make you safe and sound.

You didn't choose us and vice versa
Fate did and it's not an issue.
We vow to say "I DOs" to the worst and the best and that includes loving you in your weakest and ugliest truths.

We fight and get caught in sickness and troublesome faults but we accept, improve and choose to settle in love rather than curses to divide our abode.
We stand united, bending not breaking.
Nurturing instead of destructing.
Celebrating no matter how small our victories.
The important thing is we grow and progress no matter how slow.
Trust in the process, we learn in failures not in perfection.
Open up and voice out your opinions without the fear of judgement or rejection.
Cry if you may but stand tall and fight even when you feel lost in dismay.
We learn to disagree without fueling negativity.
You got us, we are your safe haven.
Feel at home cuz HOME is what we built you and not just a house.
You are protected inside this four pillars of LOVE, RESPECT, AUTHENTICITY and GRACE.

We'll let you go when it's time to say goodbye.
Hoping that with your new found life you'll have freedom to become who you really are.
We send you off with all our love and don't you ever forget the learnings and values we have showered upon you, love.
Visit or say hi when you can.
Not your obligation but we do appreciate if you will, ain't forcing just kinda teasing.
You are all grown up so take care.
Remember to be someone of value cuz that's all the treasure we can ever share. Be human in this world full of beast, stay real and humble cuz we all got this.
Go now, love... we'll always be here, cheering you every step of your battles.
Do or die, you just gotta try.
Dream it, got it!
We live to fly.

When you think you know it all, that's when you got it all wrong.

Another day, another heart breaks...
it goes on and on and on...

Let's drive 'em crazy playing wild guesses in uncertainties deep in the abyss.

Keep 'em guessing...
... ya sure of your feelings?
Stuff that you're making
honestly it's kinda striking.
They're odd and intriguing but you frakkin got me thinking.
Can you stop this game 
cuz sure am not playin'
Is this for real or just part of a thrill?

Sometimes I'm confused my brain says it's kinda creepy but that other thing is freakin' pumpin like this shit is foolishly twitterpated.

The hell with this thing
aren't you supposed to be on guard?
But what the heck are you doing
put up your firewall pronto.

Missy, it's romantic and you are...
Shut up, I'm just hopeless...
Brain dead.
Logic's missing.
Id is relentless.
Ego doesn't give a fuck.
Superego is currently in the border of Niagara Falls contemplating to be or not to be? Actually that's not the question.

Dang this you are causing an internal conflict.
Cupid's got caught by its own spear.
This under armour must've been beaten by termites perhaps or some kind of virus deadlier than covid cuz sure is I'm tryin' to find a vaccine to keep my immunity safe from this wrath.

Hmmm... nevermind
I talk too much...
Time to slumber...
I'm his Neverland.

They said Everything that looks pretty is expensive but reality is you dont need to spend a fortune to look perfect.

The secret to being beautiful is through possessing a loving heart. A heart that listens, cares and shares authenticity in every simple way. When you start living in good thoughts your aura becomes a magnet for all things pretty and it boomerangs and showers everyone that surrounds you the magic of love and serenity.

I am a beautiful mess in the midst of this wonderful chaos. I'm a witchzard with a secret power.

You know what's my super power?

I can make cheap things look expensive and I can make you feel like you are priceless.

Money is not everything, a good heart is.

Yet never expect anyone to treat you the way you treat them... continue being kind anyways cuz the universe has its way to take good care of things that are really meant for you and peace of mind is always better than hatred.

Remember this: The rudest people are the ones who need love the most.

So if you looked like this and you feel better in most ways do you think it's not worth it if your heart will also be a source of beauty and joy even if they think otherwise I think you know better, ayt?

Like fireworks in a dark night they shine bright while the spectators gasp in awe and detractors shout their might and yes that's all they could ever do when they see you glow.

Sometimes when you feel like a mess the right thing to do is sprinkled it with beauty that is wholistic and organic in nature for somehow it works, kinda sorts out all the chaos within and affecting the world we live in.

Although I'd rather be the moon that sits quietly, contemplating all alone while revolving with the sun at peace on its solitary mystery but beautiful in every way.

Rawit dawit
Ginurit ka sa kurit
Paghilingon ang panginoron
Huna mo ambon sana
Araachan nag tatagiti na
Pahuraw huraw pag inabot na nin uran
Minsan yaon ka pa sa dalan
Miski mayo ka pang pamahaw
Nagpipirit magiskusar
Pinaghuhurop huropan
Puntos sa balintataw
Masakit manambitan
Krus na pirmi mong pasan
Agihon ta na sana sa pagrokyaw
Sabi ninda magsarig ka sana
Dae ka nya pababayaan
Siring kan mga umboy
Na mayong pagkaaram
Pero bantay sarado kan mga langitnon
Dae mo man maintindihan
Arog talaga kayan
Minsan hararom ang sakuyang agam agam
Ruripon mo man
Siguro dae mo na lang
Masakit pero minsan mas marhay ng ipasipara ta na lang
Maabot ang panahon
Magkakairintindihan ta na lang yan
Sa ngonian mantiniron mo na lang natad mo kaysa pagparatanawon sa balyo mga isipon na bako mo naman.
Mabalos miski habo mo magrabos
Tara igdi ka pag pagal ka na kan gabos
Sigurado dae ka nya papabayaan
hanggan sa huri mo nin paghangos.
Lakaw na sa dalan ta yaon na sya duman naghahalat saimong mga panambitan.
Uya na oras mo dae mo na pagtumangan satuyang kaglalang orgulyo ka poon kadto hanggang sa kahurihurihan.
Salamat igdi sa kahadean.
Mutuninong na ang kalangitan
Sana kita man halat ta ipangadyi ta yan.
Dae ka na mag andam
Sigurado dae ka nya pababayaan.

Utak talangka
Katawang baboy minsan feeling hipon
Mukhang ewan
Asal walang pinagaralan para lang walang pinagkatandaan
Nakakahiya naman sa hayop na pinagkomparahan.

Pagkatao mong panlabas madasalin
Panloob na sing itim ng uling
Itim ng budhi ay hirap tanggalin
Ano plano mo bang lumisan sa mundong ito na tanging kontribusyon ay paninibugho?

Kaya mong pekein kahit sino pero hindi mo mababago ang reyalidad ng iyong pagkatao...
Balutin mo man sa gara ng dasal at pabango
lalabas din ang totoo...

Akala mo ay tupa ngunit masahol pa sa lagalag na astang santo pero ang kaluluwa ay nakasangla na pala sa impyerno ang galing mo mang asalto.

Sana habang nagsisimba ka ipagdasal mo din kung saan ka patungo lalo at asal mo daig pa ang kriminal ngunit sila ay nagbago... ikaw kelan plano mong buksan ang utak at puso mo?

Pagisipan mo lalo't malapit ka ng makipagtagpo sa manok ni San Pedro.
Sabagay baka matuwa ka na sa wakas baka sakali may tumuka na sa hasang mong puno ng pait dahil sa wala man lang nagpumilit kumapit nung panahong tila ikaw ay sabihin nating marikit kaso ang saklap bakit walang naakit marahil simulat sapul di ka talaga kaibig-ibig dahil sa ugali mong balot ng inggit at pagkatao mong lason sa mababait.

Yung kabataan mong sinayang mo sa mga bagay na makamundo
Ngayon ikaw ay naninibugho sa mga pangarap na sa tingin mo di mo na makakatagpo.

Mundo man ay masalimuot. Magpakatatag ka lang at huwag mapagimbot. 

Buhay ay mas gagaan pag ang puso mo ay mas piniling dumamay kesa pumatay ng mga hangarin at kaligayahan ng ibang nilalang. 

Maki-isa hindi mang-isa ng hindi ka maging paksa ng tulang ginawa para manggisa ng gaya mong mahilig mang-isa. 

Gusto mo bang maiwan na mag isa o sama ka para lahat tayo ay may pag asang magkaisa?

I live to express my soul in all sorts of way...

I am a masterpiece... undergoing renovation not a Michaelangelo nor a Picasso but kinda strange like how it is with Van Gogh. Might be a da Vinci, who knows?  Just may be as eccentric as Einstein like the square root of pi but not really as genius to an extent that I can create Phytagorean Theorems or solve Conspiracy Theories nor rival Mozart, Beethoven or yeah I don't even have a chance with Andrea Bocelli for most of the time I just let my heart out and break cycles mostly eardrums every time. On second thought let's just do some salsa to release those pent up stuff and make art out of all these craps as if we all give a fuck.

I am a work of art that is a work in progress at the same time or maybe I'm just a fool triggering muggles to speak in Slytherin's tongue exclaiming Shakespearean sonnets in complete dissonance: What, how, wherefore art thou?

Perhaps a "Vitruvian Woman?"  

Oh, my dearest Kristina, dream on.

I exist to create not hate. 

This beauty will launch sheeps to conquer the world craving for individuality. Athena and Aphrodite might think I'm their possible love child if only two goddesses can mate then I can pass as a demigod with all the gayness on earth and weirdness of a martian, a heart like Peter's who wouldn't wanna leave Neverland. 

My dreams might still be lurking inside the Bermuda Triangle wondering when to finally walkaway or show up to stop humans from all the bad bloods they are intoxicating.

I got Katniss Everdeen's bows and arrows skilled for any kind of games with Cupid's precision to make everyone fall for causes that deserve some real kinda heart not just for Valentines.

We all got this mystery that puts us into an array, might have been really overwhelming most of the time but we do love in peace.

Looking like royalties 
feasting in peasant breads 
merrymaking as if we're jesters
Healing like shamans
Visioning the coming days like fortune tellers 
living like soul warriors with infinite voyages
Dealing with life like masters of alchemists.

Set the sail, raise that anchor,
Think about Columbus or Tinker Bell's pixie dust...
Darling, we could be angels on earth with determination as wings we are going to fly. 
Bon voyage to a never ending fields of pineapples and pies covered by hopeful twisted savage minds. 
This baby girl ain't lost just kinda wandering looking for her kinda tribe.
Hungry for souls that crave for the best things in life with values that jive right through the core, logic can't even deny.

Where's the Yin to my Yang? 
Ride or die, let's start creating our happily ever after.
Dreams with no boundaries.
Limitless possibilities.
The only thing that is stopping us:
The voices in our heads questioning our capabilities.

We live to drive.
We take a rest but we ain't stopping 'til we reach the ends.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...
Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah 
Vishnu, Buddha, Karma
names don't matter either you are a believer or not.
We have one faith that is for all mankind.

Clock is ticking
The wheel is turning
Hearts are yearning
Keep on thinking
Continue building
Start innovating
Evolve and strive then time to strike.
We fight with all our might
Cuz knights win battles
Cowards lose chances

Which one are you?
A diamond in the rough or just one of those semi-precious stones not built to last?

Queens don't need crowns to prove their reigns, it's the voice that thunders echoing in vast lands though it was just merely spelled out as a whisper. 

Now, did you hear my incantation loud and clear?

Hush 🤫 but keep grooving. 

Spectrum by


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